Red Arrow International’s drama series “Marsman” has won Italy’s oldest and most prestigious television award. The heartwarming series was awarded the Prix Italia for Best TV Drama in the Series and Serials category, outshining the likes of “The Bridge” (Sweden) and “Struggle for Life” (Norway).
Winning a market share of up to 30% (4+) on Eén in Belgium, tragic, heartwarming and funny, “Marsman” is a touching tale about unconditional friendship and unexpected betrayal, about brittle relationships and impending doubt, and also about family, hope and love. “Marsman” was directed by Eshref Reybrouck and Mathias Sercu and produced by Sultan Sushi.
Irina Ignatiew, Managing Director, Global Scripted Distribution at Red Arrow says, “It’s fantastic! I’m overjoyed that the inspiring ‘Marsman’ is getting the international recognition it truly deserves. Congratulations to our friends at Sultan Sushi!”
The Prix Italia celebrates the best in radio, television and web content from around the globe and was founded over 50 years ago. Taking place in Turin, the 2014 competition which promotes quality, innovation and creativity saw more than one hundred public and private radio and television organizations take part.
40-year-old car salesman Nico Marsman’s strategy of advising potential buyers to spend as little money as possible isn’t exactly what his boss expects from a car salesman. So what else is there to do but fire him?
“Marsman” tells the story of recently unemployed and separated 40-year-old Nico who, following his mother’s death, is left to care for his autistic younger brother, Rudy. Caught between his brother, wife, daughter and bandmates, Nico turns to his deceased mother for advice.