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Gravitas picks up Kris Rey’s SXSW comedy I Used to Go Here

As one of the first deals of SXSW, Gravitas Ventures has acquired all North American rights to the lauded SXSW comedy, I Used to Go Here. Written and directed by Kris Rey (Unexpected), the film stars Gillian Jacobs (Community, Walk…
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Gravitas Ventures acquires Ben Masters’ doc The River and the Wall ahead of SXSW Film world premiere; plans major theatrical release

[intro]Timely film takes audiences an a journey along the US-Mexico border to better understand where the physical border wall, proposed by the Trump Administration, would go and the impacts it would have.[/intro] Gravitas Ventures a leading all rights distributor of…
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SXSW documentary Kim Dotcom: Caught in the Web lands at Gravitas Ventures

The Most Wanted Man Online Arrives On Demand This August Gravitas Ventures has secured U.S. as well as the Foreign Sales rights to territories outside North America for the documentary Kim Dotcom: Caught in the Web about the embattled notorious…
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Gravitas Ventures Red Arrow Studios