Nadine Grünfeld
co-CEO, Cheerio Entertainment
As founder, mentor and resident chatterbox of new production company Cheerio Entertainment, Nadine has been stirring up the market for Seven.One Studios since 2022. Cheerio’s first project Back to School for SAT.1, hosted by German star presenter Jörg Pilawa, was an immediate success. For over 20 years she has been passionate about telling stories in the moving image. Whether it is factual entertainment like Einsatz in vier Wänden (RTL), reality like I’m a Celebrity … Get me out of here! and big studio shows like The Masked Singer (ProSieben), Lego Masters (RTL) and Who wants to be a Millionaire? (RTL) – there is hardly a genre that she does not serve; and hardly a German broadcaster or streamer she has not worked with.